Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Google Translate FAIL haha ds106 asignment #5

Description: Find something in a foreign language and use Google Translate and laugh about how awful it is. Its pretty easy to do if you use Google Chrome. Just go to a site in another language and select the translate to English button when it pops up (options - under the hood - check the box that says to offer translations). I think you can also use the main google.com to translate pages as well. If its a language you know, give an explanation of what it should be and list possible reasons it got messed up.

This one I did of the iconic, Got Milk? It sounds so silly in Japanese...


In Japanese is says: mi ru ku wo eta ka?

In my mind I was picturing the American posters of Got Milk? With a Japanese salary man standing instead and Got Milk? is subtitled--- ミルクを得たか?ROFL LOL....


  1. These translations are so funny... It really doesn't make any sense and its just sound stupid dane ;D Also iphone's auto correction is the same way too!!!

  2. Its pretty crazy how some of these things translate sometimes. I wonder what it would say for some of the things we talk about in the lounge. LOL

  3. In the case of my translation, the result was not word-for-word as I expected! In your case, it is somewhat close to the literal meaning.

  4. Language always plays an important role in our day to day lives. Language can be express as the sum total of set rules regulations and symbols. We manipulate it, modify and improvise these rules and symbles to suit our needs and requirements. You can say language is single most important thing that differentiates humans from other species on the earth. It’s very hard to imagine a proper functioning of any social life without language. In view of immense importance of languages and developments taken place in the social, economical, natural and technological spheres of surrounded life, Gaelic Translation service has a significant place.
